Ia ora!
Well, here's the parau api of Papehue:
We also started lessons with a guy named Kahoku*. In fact, we first found him a month ago and invited him to our cours d'anglais. He said he would come, but never showed up. Then, last week again, we found him again and set up a time for a lesson this time. We taught him this mahana toru and because we ran out of time, we only taught him until the Great Apostasy. It was good that we left him on a cliff hanger because he was super interested in what else we had to say. At the end, he asked us if he could do a soirée familiale with him. We never even talked about those with him. During the week, we also got this text from him:
Bonjour Lewis, c'est moi Vaiarii, je voulais te demander pour lundi si tu peux venir avec une femme membre de l'eglise.
Hahaha sweet, he's integrating himself! I think we'll just talk about eternal mariage the next lesson.
We had our second lesson with him this morning (yeah, pday, but totally worth it). We finished the Restoration. As we were going over the Priesthood, he told us a story that he had had during the week. He and his brother were sitting and talking when suddenly his brother got a big fever and started going crazy a little. Kahoku couldn't control him, and a thought came into his head to call his friend's dad, who is a priesthood holder. He said that within five minutes after the guy said a little prayer, his brother was back to normal, no fever, no convulsions, nothing. Kahoku then testified to us the importance of the priesthood. Wow.
At the end of the lesson, we invited him to be baptised. At first, we didn't think that he quite understood the question, because he asked if there was anyone getting baptised the date that we gave him. But it turns out he was just curious if others would get baptised the same date as him or if he was the only one. He didn't even give baptism a second thought, it was just logical for him. He said that he just wanted to repent before he was baptised. Can do! Anyway, the 24th of December Kahoku will be baptised. That's exciting!
Our protestant friend Simon* chose the topic for our lesson this week. The life of Christ between the age 12 and 30. Not really spiritually uplifting, but interesting, I guess.
This week we found out two things about our DMP: That he's a seventy, and that he's being replaced. Yeah, I guess it just never came up that he's a seventy. Because he can't really work with us-he has a lot of trouble walking- we got a new one, an RM. Hopefully we'll get some missionary energy in this ward!
Well, things are doing better here. I hope it continues. Here's a scripture;
1 thessaloniciens 5: 16 Soyez toujours joyeux.
There are good and bad times, easy and hard times, fun and boring times. No matter what time we're in, we need to keep the commandments of God, including this one. If you're not happy right now, repent, and be happy!
Elder Lewis