Monday, March 7, 2016

Almost There...

The Forecast for Takaroa is hot and sunny with a high probability of missionary work. I'ts actually really weird. One day, in the middle of that stormy weather, we were talking with this guy who said that the weather would be fine the next day. We didn't believe him, but sure enough the next day there wasn't a dark cloud in the sky, the water level was back to normal, no more wind. Weather is weird.

This week our amount of lessons suffered and we only saw a few investigators, but with what we did have, it was really good. We taught a lesson to Purotu. Like from the beginning, she's had a testimony. We taught her about the Book of Mormon. She mentioned stories of receiving an answer to questions, like recieving the answer to the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon, of the Missionaries, of this religion. The answer was yes every time. 

Me: On peut voir que tu a eu beaucoup de bénédictions grâce a l’Évangile. Est-ce que tu veux tout les bénédic-
Purotu: Je sais que tu veux que je me fasse baptisé. Je ne sais pas...
Me: Maintenant Je veux que tu prie pour savoir le date pour ton baptême. Vas-tu le faire?
Purotu: Non.
Me: Pourquoi? 
Purotu: Parce que je sais que c'est vite.

Well, we encouraged her more to pray. She knows she needs to, it's just up to her.

We also taught Mafatu, where we encouraged him to stop smoking from that moment on. That's all he has left to do, stop smoking, only a few a day. But now he has real motivation: He's part of Takaroa's futsal team that's going to perform on tv at Tahiti in a few weeks and he wants to do his best for that. So he agreed to stop. Yes!

We also taught Nunui*, one of our investigators that we haven't seen for a few weeks. It was a really good lesson, ending in him accepting our invitation to start preparing for his baptism. Hopefully we'll see him more and help him to progress.

We've gotten a bunch of references or at least names of nonmembers on the island, so the work should start to pick up soon even more.

This Sunday We had District Conference and President Bizet came! It was super good. He's going to do a soirée familiale tonight, too, and all of our investigators are going to that. It was not good when in our meeting for the leaders, President asked me a question that I didn't hear, ending with him telling me I should be able to speak better french than I do and that I'm way behind everyone. Oh well. There's something to work on. Everything was good today, however. Elder Terry and I ran into him and ended up throwing pick-axes into trees with him.

Some things I realized: I've had crêpes about two meals a day for the last three days. I'm getting fat. Also, my english is getting terrible. I hope that's a good sign, that I'm doing well with french, but I don't know.

I can't remember if there's anything else important that I'm missing, so if that's the case, I'll get it to you next week. For now, faaitoito. The church is true!

Elder Lewis

 Elder Lewis, Elder Terry, Tepeva (soon Elder Temahaga) ElderClements (he baptized Rava. I replaced him in Temarua), Elder Nelson

 Kendama-ing and futsal-ing 

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